The Sixth Sunday of Easter – John 15:9-17
Peace be unto from our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Friends,
If we had just the one verse in today’s Gospel lesson, we could easily misinterpret what our Lord means when He says, “Abide in my love.”
On the surface, it sounds simple and straightforward enough. But it is amazing what some people believe “abiding in Christ’s love” is all about... what it entails. More than just a few would argue that it is up for self-interpretation… that it is different for everyone because you know what? We are all different and all our differences are… well… all good… all valid.
I mean, come on! When you come right down to it, God simply wants us to abide in love… to be loving and caring. Leave it at that. That certainly sounds good from a worldly point of view. The thing is, WE… along with the rest of the world… may choose to leave it at that, but our Lord does not.
Christ’s declaration, “Abide in my love” is not open for interpretation except by Christ Himself. And He barely finishes saying this before qualifying… defining… the same. “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love.”
In other words, Jesus is saying:
“If you have no other gods but Me, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not take My Name in vain, you abide in My love.”
“If you keep the Sabbath day holy, faithfully hear My Word and worship Me, you abide in My love.”
“If you honor your parents and all whom I have set in authority over you in the home, in the church and in the world, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not murder and hold all human life to be sacred, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not commit adultery and lead a sexually pure life, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not steal, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not bear false witness against your neighbor, but speak well of him and put the best construction on things, you abide in My love.”
“If you do not covet, you abide in My love.”
What we often forget or lose sight of in all of this is the key word in our Lord’s statement… “MY” My love. His love, not yours… not mine… not ours… not others… but Christ’s and Christ’s alone. It is not up for self-interpretation or one’s personal druthers. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.” If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love.”
But how can we do this if we do not know, remember and constantly remind ourselves of the same… His Commandments that is? The Apostles, the early Church Fathers and our spiritual fathers down through the centuries, including the blessed Dr. Martin Luther have all encouraged and exhorted us to daily pray, to daily remind ourselves and give due consideration to the Commandments so that, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, we may daily abide in Christ’s love.
For us, having been washed clean in Holy Baptism… no longer under the crushing weight of the Law… The Commandments do not accuse, but rather inform us of what is the good and gracious will of our Heavenly Father and that He has shared and declared them out of love for us.
Indeed, love is at the center of it all… the center of all of them… the first three Commandments (otherwise known as the First Table of the Law) dealing with our love for the Lord our God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And the Second Table, the remaining seven Commandments, speaking about our love for our neighbor.
Our Lord goes on to say, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” His love, first and foremost for us, in turn makes our love for Him and for all people possible. Even for our enemies… for those who would do us harm as they once did our Lord harm.
Amazingly, Christ shares all that we find here in our Gospel text just hours before He will go to the cross for you and for me. And of all things to talk about, underline, emphasize… He chooses “love.” That we may abide, forevermore be in, His love. Not just for those who meet our criteria for loving them. To love others unequivocally as we keep our eyes on the cross. For it is there that we see love personified in Christ Jesus. There we come to realize the full impact of our Lord’s statement, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.”
And that is what we are… His friends. Christ calls us this, declares us to be this… His friends for whom He willingly laid down His life while we were yet sinners… His enemies no less.
But no longer. Not now in Jesus, through Jesus. We joyfully continue in the wonderful new relationship He won for us. In His love, abiding… forever remaining in His love, we refuse to go back into the darkness of sin, selfishness, hate and lawlessness. We refuse to again submit to the devil and give into his evil ways… eternally deadly ways.
For us now and always, may love rule our hearts and homes and be at the center of it all… the center of our lives… the center of every relationship… the center of every thought, word and deed.
With love pervading all aspects of our life… in what we think, do and say… watch what happens. Watch the peace and contentment it brings… living in… abiding in… Christ’s love. Amen.
May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting. Amen.