Christian Education

Zion Sunday School runs from September through May, from 9:30a-10:30a.  

To enroll your child for the 2024-25 Sunday School Program, click HERE.

Classes are available for students ages 3 through High School.  After an opening prayer in the Activity Center, students have music time with Emily Lee, our Music Director, and then are divided into their classes for age-appropriate instruction using materials published by Concordia Publishing House. Older classes are led by our pastors approximately once per month.  The Sunday School organizes drives for the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry and plants a Giving Garden to provide fresh produce.  The Sunday School choir sings for church services throughout the year and presents a Christmas Program in December.  During the summer months the Sunday School meets together with the Sunday Bible Class.

Sunday Bible Class is held from 9:30a-10:30a from September through May, and from 10:45a-11:45a in the summer. We read through God's Word together, led by one of our pastors as we learn and grow in our faith together.  This summer we are taking a look at the Biblical view on Family life. These studies are usually streamed live to our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Our Sunday Bible Class video playlist may be found here.

Wednesday Bible Class runs on Wednesday mornings from 9:30a-10:30a, year-round.  This is more discussion-based group, but is still rooted in God's Word.  We are currently taking a look at the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday, with a focus on the Holy Gospel.  These are also usually streamed live.

Our Wednesday Bible Class playlist may be found here

Confirmation Instruction is a time of concentrated instruction in the basics of the Christian faith, intended for baptized youth during their Junior High years.  Our confirmation program runs for two years, typically beginning when students are in 6th or 7th grade.  Instruction is given from the Small Catechism by one of our pastors.  At the end of the course and after having been examined by the pastor, students confess their faith publicly during the rite of Confirmation and receive strength by the Holy Spirit for living out that faith in their daily lives.

Vacation Bible School is offered each summer for youth ages 3 through 10.  The dates for our 2025 VBS program are TBD. For more details, please visit our main Vacation Bible School page here.
